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5 Most Commonly Asked Questions on Selling Gold

When you sell your gold, it’s important to understand how the process works to ensure top dollar for your valuables. And when it comes to selling, it’s a good idea to know how prices are determined from the get-go so you feel good about your sale. From an investing standpoint, understanding how gold can impact your financial portfolio is critical when it comes to making the most of your money.

In the many years of experience I’ve had buying gold, here are the top 5 questions when it comes to selling or buying this precious metal.

Q: What is my gold worth?

A: You should expect to receive anywhere from 80%-85% of the assay value for your gold (unless there is any collector value for the item which would increase the value). The assay value is the equivalent of the melt value of the gold and is calculated by taking the weight multiplied the purity of the metal multiplied by the spot price of gold.

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