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Sinclair – The Elites Frightening Plan To Control The Masses

Today legendary trader Jim Sinclair told King World News that the elites plan to use the coming financial chaos and destruction to control the masses. Sinclair spoke about the “Great Unwind,” what this means for gold, and how investors can protect themselves from what is in front of us. Below is what Sinclair, who was once called on by former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker to assist during a Wall Street crisis, had to say in this remarkable interview.

Sinclair: “The enormous violence in the markets is obscuring a very clear message. The message from Cyprus, that has also been written in various white papers and signed by central banks, the FDIC, Bank of England, and the BIS, is to get out of the system.

What happens to readers around the world is of primary importance to King World News and to myself. The meetings that I have already had, and future meetings still to take place around the world, have been for the purpose of keeping investors from having large portions of their wealth destroyed or stolen from them.




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