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Police Barricade European Central Bank Ahead Of Protests

Frankfurt, Germany police have barricaded and barbed wired the European Central Bank headquarters in preparation for demonstrations against "government austerity and capitalism." The Blockupy alliance claims activists are planning a blockade of the new headquarters of the ECB ahead of a...Learn More

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La Jolla Symphony And Chorus Creates Berlioz Splash Zone

The La Jolla Symphony and Chorus is doing something few orchestras are willing to try. They will perform composer Hector Berlioz's "Requiem," this weekend. The 19th century composition is rarely performed because it requires such a huge ensemble. How huge? Read MoreLearn More

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Vehicle collides with Dick’s Liquor store in La Jolla

An elderly female driver crashed her vehicle into the eastern (Eads Avenue) side of Dick’s Liquor store, 737 Pearl St., Monday afternoon (March 16). The vehicle also struck a city trash can decoratively coated with stone, which shattered on impact,...Learn More

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The Federal Reserve Could Raise Interest Rates

The dollar has been rising, and many people wonder how long this could go on. The US dollar index  tracks the USD's strength against six currencies mostly weighted toward the euro. Having touched a 12-year high on Friday, the dollar...Learn More