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Gold Futures Reach Six Week High

Gold futures have jumped to a six week high due to declines in equity markets. On Tuesday over $100 billion was wiped from world equity markets with global shares falling again today. Gold extended gains against the dollar, which experienced...Learn More

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2015 American Eagle Silver Bullion Coins Available January 12

The United States has been rationing Silver Eagles for a couple of months ago, and now it is likely to be continued through the rest of 2014. It will also apply when 2015 coins debut. 1256Learn More

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The Differences Between Numismatic and Bullion Coins

With precious metals prices as they are many people are feeling very down about their investment. Increasingly I am getting the question "what is the difference between a bullion and a numismatic coin?" This is a great questions and while...Learn More

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Support For Swiss Gold Initiative Falls

It could be big news for gold if the Swiss vote for their central bank to hold more gold. But this seems increasingly to be an unlikely result. The Swiss Initiative would force the country's central bank to increase its...Learn More

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Putin Is Buying Gold

Russian President Vladimir Putin is buying gold. It is using its income from petrodollars and diversifying its reserves with "massive amounts of gold," according to William Rhind, CEO of the World Gold Trust Services. Among all the central banks that...Learn More