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Central Banks Buying Gold “Firmly” in 2014

GOLD BUYING by central banks has continued ahead of recent averages in 2014, according to several analysts' notes. "Central banks remained firmly on the buy-side of the gold market" in the first half of the year, writes Macquarie Bank analyst Matthew...Learn More

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Economists back Fed stimulus programs

A majority of economists believe the Federal Reserve is doing the right things to help repair the U.S. economy, according to a survey released Monday by the National Association of Business Economists. The survey also showed that a vast majority...Learn More

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What’s To Come Of The Gold & Silver Fix?

On the surface, there have been some unsettling bits of news coming out of the gold and silver markets, despite an overall unmoved price.  Day-in, day-out, for awhile, the gold price has been a BIG yawn...but this might be getting...Learn More

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Bank Of England loses tonnes of gold in 2013

Concerns abound throughout the gold market regarding gold holdings in various vaults held around the world, from England to New York. Many European countries, like Germany, have demonstrated concern regarding whether or not the New York Federal Reserve Bank is...Learn More

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World Bank: Prepare For The Next Crisis Now

First, the World Bank warned about a coming economic crisis. Then the International Monetary Fund warned about the global housing crisis. All in one week. Should investors begin embracing? After all, the stock markets have begun to top, or so...Learn More