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All Demand On India’s Biggest Metal Buying Day For Silver

Silverbugs are nervous as it seems the lull in the price for precious metals have shaken all the buyers out of the tree. But this isn't true everywhere. Silver sales have almost doubled over last year for India's Dhanteras. India...Learn More

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Fitch Downgrades Chicago, Worse Than Detroit?

Is Chicago worse than Detroit? That might be hard for many to believe, but while Detroit may be well known for its fiscal problems, it might be better off than many of its fellow US cities, like Chicago, according to...Learn More

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Surprise ECB Move Overshadows Poor Jobs Report

In the shadows of the Twitter IPO, the European Central Bank cut its benchmark interest rate to a record low Thursday in an attempt to improve the euro zone economy amid falling inflation. Many precious metals bugs foresaw that a...Learn More

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Twitter Steals The Headlines, But Can Gold Win The Day?

Goldbugs must remember the Facebook IPO. It was disastrous. We felt so smug with our tangible comfort. And now we are being sold on Twitter, which has no revenue, and doesn't provide any products. Its service is instant communication. It's...Learn More

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How Gold Jewelry, Silver Jewelry & Sterling Silver Can Protect Your Wealth

Gold coins and silver coins have gained an interesting reputation. People think: If you buy gold and silver coins, then you are a survivalist of some sort. Well, this isn't always true, but these assumptions do make owning gold and...Learn More