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US Mint’s January 2015 Beats December 2014

Gold and silverbugs are starting to think things are changing in the precious metals market, even if most commodities are still a bit off. That demand has increased is typical for December, but prices are higher than they’ve been in quite awhile.

Let’s look at what the Mint has done. Typically, sales go up in January because sales were suspended mid-December.

The US Mint moved 42,000 ounces of American Eagle one-ounce gold coins in just the first few days of January, which is significantly higher than the 18,000 Eagles the Mint sold in the whole of December.

That figure also represents half the entire figure of last January which was 91,500 ounces.

“January is traditionally a strong coin sales month in the US,” Commerzbank said.

Last year, the US Mint moved 524,500 ounces of American gold eagle coins, a drop-off from 856,500 in 2013.

The US Mint has moved 16,500 ounces of its 24-carat one-ounce American Buffalo bullion coins so far in January, up from 4,500 in December.

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